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Diseases and Conditions

Bacterial Infections
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Coronavirus Pandemic
E. Coli Infections
Meningococcal Disease and Meningitis
Multiple Sclerosis
Omicron Pandemic
Shingles and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
Trisomy 13 or 14 Effects
West Nile Virus
Zika Virus

Also Try
  1. Children
  2. Finding Medical Care
  3. Medical Directories and Search Engines
  4. Microbiology - Bacteria and Viruses
  5. Prevention
  6. Seniors
  7. Special Education
  8. Women
  1. Addictions (Awesome Library)
  2. Anxiety Disorders (Awesome Library)
  3. Attention Deficit Disorder (Awesome Library)
  4. Blind and Visually Impaired (Awesome Library)
  5. Cancer (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of cancer. 8-01

  6. Cleft Lip or Palate (Awesome Library)
  7. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
  8. Deaf and Hearing Impaired (Awesome Library)
  9. Diabetes (Awesome Library)
  10. Diseases and Conditions (HealthlinkUSA)
      Provides links to diseases and conditions, listed in alphabetic order.

  11. Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders (Awesome Library)
  12. Health Directory and News (
      Provides a medical directory and news. 10-09

  13. Hemophilia (Awesome Library)
  14. Injuries (Awesome Library)
  15. Kidney Diseases (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
      Provides information types of kidney diseases and disorders, by type. 05-06

  16. Kidney Diseases - Polycystic Kidney Disease (
      "Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) affects 600,000 Americans and 12.5 million children and adults, worldwide. There is no treatment or cure, but there is hope." 06-07

  17. Learning Diabilities (Awesome Library)
  18. Links for Health (
      Provides links to health sources. 06-08

  19. Mental Health (Awesome Library)
  20. Mental Retardation (Awesome Library)
  21. Neurofibromatosis
      Provides information on the genetic disability that causes tumors on the peripheral nervous system. NF-1 is sometimes called von Recklinghausen's Disease.

  22. Obesity (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of obesity. 8-01

  23. Osteoporosis (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles. 12-05

  24. Pain (Awesome Library)
      Provides news, research, and articles related to the causes and treatment of pain. 6-03

  25. Physically Challenged (Awesome Library)
  26. Seizure Disorders (Awesome Library)
  27. Severe and Chronic Illness (Awesome Library)
  28. Sleep Disorders (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of sleep disorders. 8-01

  29. Stress (Awesome Library)
  1. -Spelling Checkers for Medical Terms (Awesome Library)
      Checks online for correct spelling and offers alternatives if the spelling is incorrect. Also offers glossaries for browsing terms. 7-02

  2. Health Quizzes (
      Provides quizzes about health conditions.

  1. -Addison's Disease (Mayo Clinic)
      "Addison's disease is a disorder that occurs when your body produces insufficient amounts of certain hormones produced by your adrenal glands. In Addison's disease, your adrenal glands produce too little cortisol and often insufficient levels of aldosterone as well." 12-15

  2. ADD or ADHD (Awesome Library)
      Provides diagnostic information, treatments, support groups, and more. 11-99

  3. Acne (Health World)
      "Teenagers get acne because they have a lot of androgen. Androgen is a hormone. The glands under your skin make more oil when you have a lot of androgen. The oil ducts get clogged and infected. Then bumps pop up on the skin."

  4. Adrenal Fatigue (
      "This program will allow the adrenal glands to repair and will take several months of judicious application on your part." 04-06

  5. Anxiety Disorders (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles. 5-00.

  6. Bipolar Affective Disorder (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles. 5-00.

  7. Brain Tumor - Fact Sheet (Family Caregiver Alliance)
  8. Chickenpox (
      Provides a factsheet on chickenpox. Visitors sometimes misspell it as chicken pox. 7-01

  9. Constipation (National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse)
      Describes causes and treatments. 9-02

  10. Depression (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles. 5-00.

  11. Dialysis Patient's Guide (
      Provides information about dialysis, kidney disorders, and diabetes. 1-02

  12. Diseases and Conditions (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides fact sheets for the public, as well as more technical information. 5-00

  13. Diseases and Conditions (U.S.
      Provides information on common diseases and conditions for laymen. 04-06

  14. Diseases and Conditions by Type (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides basic facts about prevention, prevalence and treatment of many commonly encountered diseases and conditions. Listed alphabetically. 2-00

  15. Diseases and Conditions of Children (WebMD)
      Provides information alphabetically, by disease or condition. 4-00

  16. Dystonia (Dystonia Medical Research Foundation)
      "Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, which force certain parts of the body into abnormal, sometimes painful, movements or postures." "It is the third most common movement disorder after Parkinson's Disease and Tremor, affecting more than 300,000 people in North America." 10-02

  17. Eating Disorders - Teenagers (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides information for parents.

  18. Epstein-Barr Disease (Australian Academy of Science)
      Provides a description of the virus, as well as common complications arising from it, such as glandular fever or infectious mononucleosis. A vaccine may be close at hand. Sometimes visitors misspell as Epstene Bar or Barr. 9-00

  19. Epstein-Barr Disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides a description of the virus, as well as common complications arising from it, such as glandular fever or infectious mononucleosis. Sometimes visitors misspell as Epstene Bar or Barr. 9-00

  20. Epstein-Barr Disease (Columbia University Press - The Columbia Encyclopedia)
      Provides a description of the virus, as well as common complications arising from it, such as glandular fever or infectious mononucleosis. Known as EBV. Sometimes visitors misspell as Epstene Bar or Barr. 9-00

  21. Factsheets on Preventable and Treatable Conditions Globally (World Health Organization)
      Provides factsheets on some of the most disabling medical conditions globally that are also preventable or treatable with minimal costs. 3-01

  22. Kidney Disease in Children (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
      Provides information about growth failure in children due to kidney disease. Includes suggestions on diet. 05-06

  23. Macular Degeneration Treatment Effective (CBS News)
      "In patients with age-related macular degeneration - or AMD - the center of the retina responsible for vision deteriorates over time. In the wet form, blood vessels grow abnormally, causing a blind spot, distortion of lines, and other problems."

      "But Daniel is lucky. Doctors have a new drug called Lucentis, approved by the FDA this June. It's injected directly into the eye once a month. After three shots, Daniel has noticed dramatic results." 10-06

  24. Malaria Research Funded (CBS News)
      "Malaria research accounts for about one-third of 1 percent of the total amount of money spent on medical research and development, even though it accounts for 3 percent of all the productive years of life lost to diseases, a new report has found." 10-05

  25. Menopause (
      Provides information by topic. 8-04

  26. Provides a Directory and Search Engine for Treatments, Drugs, and Diseases (
      Provides a questionnaire to assess your disease risk. Includes advise on how to prevent each disease. 11-06

  27. Reflux - Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (Merck)
  28. River Blindness (The Carter Center)
      Provides a factsheet on an infection common in Africa and Latin America. The dangerous condition is caused by the bite of the blackfly, which breeds near fast moving rivers and streams. The bit deposits the larvae of a parasitic worm. 6-01

  29. Sickle Cell Anemia (CNN - Baum)
      Provides an update on the disability. 2-01

  30. Strep - Group B (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides a fact sheet for the public on streptococal infection, group B, "the most common cause of life-threatening infections in newborns." 5-00

  31. Strep Throat (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides a fact sheet for the public on streptococal infection, group A. 5-00

  32. Suicide Prevention (CDC)
      Suggests ways to help prevent suicide.

  33. Suicide Statistics in the USA (CDC)
      Provides statistics on the frequency of suicide and similar information.

  34. Treatment Information (Med Help International)
      Provides patients with the tools necessary to make informed treatment decisions within the short time lines dictated by their illness or disease.


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