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Mental Health

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  1. Anxiety Disorders
  2. Behavior Problems
  3. Bipolar Affective Disorder
  4. Depression
  5. Psychology
  6. Stress
  1. Mental Health Disorders and Treatments (Mental Health Net)
      Provides a directory of mental health disorders and conditions, along with treatments.

  2. Mental Health Encyclopedia (
      Provides information on diagnosis of common mental health problems and a set of online self-assessment tools. 10-09

  3. Mental Health Library
  4. Mental Health Net Searches
  5. Mental Help Net
      This website offers an alphabetical database of not only common mental health problems and disorders (and links therein to treatment information), but also a wide variety of other health and medical issues where support and information resources on that topic may be valuable and informative for readers.

  1. Assessment - DSM-IV Axis II Diagnosis - Personality Disorders (
      Provides descriptions of personality disorders, including Paranoid, Antisocial, Avoidant, Borderline, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Schizoid, and Schizotypal. 3-02

  2. Assessment - Emotional Assessment for Children (Pediatric Symptom Checklist - Jellinek and Murphy)
      "The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a brief screening questionnaire that is used by pediatricians and other health professionals to improve the recognition and treatment of psychosocial problems in children." For a free, downloadable copy, see the fifth item "Ordering Information" under the first paragraph. 3-02

  3. Narcissism: DSM-IV Axis II Diagnosis (
      "Narcissistic personality is characterized by behavior or a fantasy of grandiosity, a lack of empathy and a need to be admired by others. Narcissistic personality has a pathological unrealistic or inflated sense of self-importance, has an inability to see the viewpoints of others, and is hypersensitive to the opinions of others." 04-09

  4. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (
      "The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders." 12-02

  5. National Institute of Mental Health
      Provides information for practitioners, the public, and researchers on news and events, clinical trials, funding, and opportunities dealing with mental health.

  6. New Categories of Disorders (
      "Adding Asperger's syndrome to the autism spectrum, eliminating the terms 'substance abuse' and 'dependence' in favor of 'addiction and related disorders,' introducing the condition 'hypersexual disorder' and introducing an assessment of mental illness based on severity are among the proposed changes for the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-5). 02-10

  7. Questions About Medications for Teens and Children (CBS News)
      "Most medications for mental illness have been approved for adults only. But they're also being used to treat kids. Because the long-term effects on children (particularly a developing brain) are still unclear, the medical community is torn."10-03

  8. Redefining Mental Health (
      "The DSM is important not only because it is wildly ambitious but also because mental-health professionals around the world have adopted its classification system. In the U.S., it is virtually impossible to get reimbursed by an insurance company for treatment unless a mental-health professional identifies your condition by a DSM diagnosis number."

      "The American Psychiatric Association (APA), which owns the DSM, is in the process of rewriting the book, which was first published in 1952. The DSM-V, as the fifth edition will be called, is set to be published in 2012."

      "Hyman noted that medical problems, whether in the mind or in the body or both, are usually caused by some combination of genes, environment, behavior and chance. "

      "A continuum model like the one Hyman proposes could help solve this problem by recognizing that people aren't always one thing or another. They're sometimes just a little depressed, or a little anxious. To avoid medicalizing normal stress, the DSM-V would set a cut-off point within the spectrum. Of course, determining the right cut-off point for the DSM's 350 illnesses would take an enormous research effort, one that has begun for some disorders like depression but likely hasn't even been thought about for rare problems like sexual sadism."

      "Other attendees at the APPA conference indicated that the new DSM will almost certainly adopt a continuum model for mental illnesses." 03-09

  1. Effectiveness of Psychotherapy (Seligman)
      Provides a summary and critique of a study conducted by Consumer Reports on the effectiveness of psychotherapy. 6-00


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