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Learning Disabilities

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  1. College and Disabilities
  2. Software for Internet Text-to-Speech and More
  3. Special Education (General)
  1. Learning Disabilities Resources (University of Washington - Do-It) 8-00
  1. Awesome Talking Library (Awesome Library) star
      Converts online text into spoken words through the Awesome Talkster program. Awesome Talkster has one of the clearest synthesized voices on the Web.

      Converting online text into speech has many uses. For example, Talkster can speak online stories or books to children while an adult supervises. The voice can be put in "Boy" or "Girl" mode to add a character with a bubble over his or her head. The bubble will show each word as it is spoken and the voice can be put on "slow" for your child to follow. Talkster can thereby assist your child in learning how to pronounce words while reading.

      Talkster is also useful for adults. It can speak news articles to you in one open browser while you are searching for information in another browser window.

      For persons with visual impairments or poor coordination, Talkster can be navigated with keystrokes.

      The Web can be navigated using a version of Awesome Library in a different language, such as Spanish, while using a voice for that language that is available through the Awesome Talkster. Links to different language versions of the Awesome Library are available at the bottom of most Awesome Library pages. Links to free voices for different languages can be found on the Awesome Talking Library's help page. 9-02

  1. Learning Disabilities News and Articles (National Center for Learning Disabilities)
      Provides news, a screening to for young children, facts, and more.

  1. Association - International Dyslexia Association
      Provides listings of articles, support groups, conferences, laws, services and other information related to dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

  2. Bellefonds Training for Learning Disabilities (
      "Therapists call it 'aerobics for the brain' - repetitive auditory, visual or tactile exercises designed to help restructure and reconnect various brain pathways to knowledge. The goal is to create a permanent fix for many learning disabilities." 6-02

  3. Compensation Strategies for Students With Learning Disabilities (Davidson Institute for Talent Development - Reis, McGuire, and Neu)
      Summarizes findings from research on successful college students who had high ability and learning disabilities. Discusses their compensation strategies. 10-02

  4. Council of Educators for Students With Disabilities (CESD)
      Provides articles and announcements of events related to teachers and school administrators of students qualifying under IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Formerly TACHO. 6-99

  5. Court Ruling Helps Special-Needs Students (U.S. News)
      "The case before the court involved a struggling Oregon high school student, identified in court documents only as T.A., who was found ineligible for special-education services in the Forest Grove district after school officials evaluated him for learning disabilities. His parents removed him from public school in his junior year and enrolled him in a $5,200-a-month residential school. Only after T.A. enrolled in the private school did doctors say he suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other disabilities."

      "The crux of the case was whether a 1997 amendment to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, prohibits students from receiving private-school tuition reimbursement if they never enrolled in special-education services in a public school. The high court's ruling makes it clear that it does not." 07-09

  6. Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities by Age Level (Learning Network - McGaffigan)
      Provides general warning signals for the possibility of learning disabilities for early years, as well as elementary, middle, and high school levels. 4-01

  7. Dyslexia and Math (WETA - International Dyslexia Association)
      Describes dyslexia as it applies to math and makes a distinction between dyslexia and dyscalculia, trouble with calculating.

  8. Learning Disabilities (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions.

  9. Learning Disabilities - Latest Research and Strategies (NWREL)
      "An overview of the latest research on learning disabilities sheds new light on the neurological clues that help explain dyslexia and other learning problems, and suggests promising strategies for parents and teachers." 6-03

  10. Learning Disabilities Resources (LD Resources - Wanderman)
      Provides articles and resources in areas of importance for students with learning disabilities.

  11. Lumosity Brain Exercises (
      "It doesn't take a genius to realize why web-based brain training website Lumosity grew 400 percent to 11 million users in 190 countries last year. That's because the mentally stimulating website not only helps scientists understand how the brain works, but provides puzzles that help you use your memory and thought processes."

      " 'We can dig through the database to get a better understanding of how people can improve their cognitive performance,' co-founder and Chief Science Officer Mike Scanlan told Mashable."

      "The website was started in 2007 in collaboration with Stanford, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon and Columbia University. Scientists use player's data to understand how the brain functions, and the company creates games to fit the findings." 02-11

  12. Teens and Learning Disabilities (Teens vs Dyslexia)
  1. Learning Disabilities Resources (WETA - LDOnLine)
      Provides articles on learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children. Children, teachers and parents contribute to the publication.


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