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Developmental Disabilities

Cerebral Palsy
Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
Muscular Dystrophy
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Progeria Syndrome
Severe or Chronic Illness
Spina Bifida
Turner Syndrome

Also Try
  1. Special Education (General)
  1. Disabilities Links (Family Village) 2-00
  2. Disabilities Resources (Fullmer)
      Provides over 100 resources related to disabilities. Called Untangling the Web.

  3. Disability Resources (New York Insititute for Special Education)
      Provides over 100 resources related to disabilities, in alphabetical order by organization.

  4. Recumbent Tricycles and Quads (Awesome Library)
  5. Tricycling (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources of tricycles and quadcycles (four-wheels) for adults. These cycles can provide safe transportation and exercise, as well as haul items. Safer from falls, more comfortable, and more powerful than a bicycle. If a fuel cell is added for additional power on hills, these cycles might provide good general transportation that is very inexpensive. 6-01

  1. -Hundreds Attend Lonely Girl's 10th Birthday Party (
      "A Minnesota mother was so distraught when all of the girls invited to her daughter's birthday party said they wouldn't be there that she took matters into her own hands and got an incredible turnout."

      "Ten-year-old Mackenzie Moretter has a developmental disorder called Sotos syndrome, which causes children to grow at a faster rate but often delays their social and intellectual skills." 04-15

  2. Americans With Disabilities Act (U.S. Department of Justice)
      Provides information on the law, as well as enforcement. 5-00

  3. Disability Diagnoses (Family Village)
      Provides a comprehensive listing of diagnoses.

  4. Extreme Homes for Special Families (Extreme Makeover Home Edition)
      Provides homes for families with special needs. Includes the possibility for families to apply for an "extreme home."

      "Put together one very run-down house, a deserving family, several opinionated designers, seven days and what do you get? The answer is - Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." 07-06

  5. Father's Network
      Provides support for fathers of children with chronic illness or developmental disabilities.

  6. Finding Affordable Online Colleges for Students With Disabilities (
      " In 2013, seven million colleges students — nearly 50 percent of all those enrolled — took at least one online class, with an estimated 20 percent earning an entire degree program remotely. The Sloan Consortium reports that 74 percent of today’s academic leaders rate the educational outcomes of online learning as equal to or superior to those of face-to-face systems. More recruiters than ever before are embracing online credentials." Allows you to search by degree level, state, category, or subject. Provides a guide for students with disabilities.


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