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  1. 01-06-04 Design for Memorial Chosen (CBS News)
      "A design consisting of two reflecting pools and a paved stone field has been chosen for the World Trade Center memorial after an eight-month international competition that drew more than 5,000 entries, The Associated Press has learned." 1-04

  2. 03-04-04 Bush Aid Defends Use of September 11 Images (
      "President George W. Bush's spokesman defended the use of images from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in political advertising after some relatives of victims said the campaign is exploiting the tragedy."

      "The ads to promote Bush' re-election, which include video clip of firefighters carrying a flag-draped stretcher through the rubble of the World Trade Center, reinforce the shared grief of the nation, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said."

      "The International Association of Firefighters, which is backing Kerry, also criticized the ads, releasing a statement that called use of the images 'disgraceful.' " 3-04

  3. 09-10-04 Sen. Graham Accuses Saudi Government of Involvement in 9-11 (MSNBC News)
      "In his new book, Graham claims the president coddled the Saudis and pursued a war against Saddam Hussein that only diverted resources from the more important fight against Al Qaeda. Graham was furious when the White House blacked out 28 pages of the inquiry's final report that dealt with purported Saudi links to the 9/11 plot." 9-04


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