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Also Try
  1. Math Lessons (Awesome Library)
      Provides lessons, worksheets, and activities.

Lesson Plans
  1. -College Algebra - University Certificate Upon Completion ( star
      "This course is taught so that students will acquire a solid foundation in algebra. Emphasis is placed on understanding the properties of linear, polynomial and rational functions, including inequalities and complex numbers. Students will learn to work with various types of functions in symbolic, graphical, numerical and verbal form." Taught by Sarah Eichhorn, Ph.D. and Rachel Cohen Lehman, Ph.D. and used by up to 33 universities. The course is free. The University of California at Irvine awards the certificate of completion.

  2. Algebra (Weisstein and Wolfram Research)
      Provides a comprehensive set of advanced resources in algebra, including quadratic forms, field theory, equations, identities, invariants, operations, cyclotomy, coding theory, polynomials, and much more.

  3. Algebra Problems and Solutions (
      Provides algebra problems, explanations, and solutions. 10-09

  4. By Topic (
      Provides algebra lessons and quizzes. Examples of topics include definitions, operations, equations, exponents, expressions, properties, and graphing.

  5. Grade and Standards-Based Lessons (Illuminations - NCTM)
      Provides dozens of NCTM math standards-based lessons by topic.

  6. Quadratics and Square Roots (
      Provides four sets of instructions related to the topics. One is how to compute the protection needed when dropping a hand-held device, such as a cell phone.

  1. Algebra Resources (AAA Math - Banfill)
      Provides sources of lessons and activities.

  2. Algebra Resources (Fife and Husch)
      Provides near 100 sources on algebra.

  3. Algebra Resources (Math Forum)
  4. Linear and Matrix Algebra Resources (Fife and Husch)
      Provides over 100 sources.

  1. Algebra (
      Teachers provide tutorials on videos.

  1. Algebra Basics - Problems and Solutions (WebMath)
      Provides solutions and answers to basic problems in algebra and pre-algebra, including Sequences, Basic Factoring, Permutations, Simplifying Expressions, Polynomials, Factoring Expressions, Solving Linear Equations, Solving Advanced Equations, Graphing Functions, Solving Systems of Equations, Quadratic Equations, Radical Expressions, Complex Numbers, Conic Sections, Inequalities, and Writing Linear Equations. Visitors sometimes misspell as prealgebra or pre algebra.

  2. Algebra Questions and Answers (Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math)
      Includes key questions asked by high school students about algebra problems.

  1. Algebra Activities (Shodor Foundation)
      Provides interactive problems, with graphics, in algebra.

  2. Analysis of Bicycle Speed With and Without a Windshield (WISIL)
      Provides the math to determine whether a bike will go faster with a fairing (windshield) or without one for a particular speed and slope. 9-01

  3. Analysis of Bicycle Speed With and Without a Windshield (
      Provides of windtunnel tests and shows the difference in speed with and without a fairing at 20 mph and 30 mph. The maximum increase in speed is 3.9 mph at 30 mph. 4-03

  1. Algebra I - Grade 9 - 12 Math Standards (Texas)
  2. Algebra II - Grade 9 - 12 Math Standards (Texas)
  3. Algebra Standards (North Carolina Public Schools)
      Provides standards. 03-14

  4. Grade 07 Math Standards (McREL) Algebra
      Provides standards.

  5. Grade 07 Math Standards (NCTM)
      Includes Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Estimation, Probability and Statistics, and more. 5-02

  6. Grade 08 Math Standards (McREL) Algebra
      Provides standards.

  7. Grade 08 Math Standards (NCTM)
      Includes Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Estimation, Probability and Statistics, and more. 5-02

  8. Grade 09 Math Standards (NCTM)
      Includes Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Estimation, Probability and Statistics, and more. 5-02

  9. Grade 10 Math Standards (NCTM)
      Includes Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Estimation, Probability and Statistics, and more. 5-02

  10. Grade 11 Math Standards (NCTM)
      Includes Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Estimation, Probability and Statistics, and more. 5-02

  11. Grade 12 Math Standards (NCTM)
      Includes Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Estimation, Probability and Statistics, and more. 5-02

  12. Grade 9 - 12 Algebra Standards (McREL)
      Provides standards.


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