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Television Shows

  1. TV Classics (
      Provides information on actors who played on some of the most popular television shows in the 1950's through 1990's. 6-02

  1. -03-18-09 Eco-Friendly TV Sets (
      "The global recession is weakening demand for LCD and plasma TVs. This means Sharp, Panasonic and Sony are desperate to defend their market shares and are racing to come up with features to distinguish their products from those of their competitors. The marketing catchphrase in Japan is now 'eco-TV': flat-screen sets that, like the new Sharp Aquos, are environmentally friendlier because they use less energy and cost less to run." 04-08

  2. -04-29-08 Full Episodes of TV Shows (
      Provides episodes. 04-08

  3. Ed McMahon Dies (CNN News)
      "Ed McMahon, the longtime pitchman and Johnny Carson sidekick whose 'Heeeeeeerre's Johnny!' became a part of the vernacular, has died." 06-09

  4. Jay Leno's Goodbye to the Tonight Show (
      " 'We're not really leaving,' Jay Leno told the studio audience on his last Tonight Show. And he was right." 05-08

  5. Rue McClanahan Dies (CNN News)
      "Emmy-winning "Golden Girls" actress Rue McClanahan died of a stroke in a New York hospital early Thursday, her manager said. She was 76." 06-10

  1. -07-30-07 Tom Snyder Dies (MSNBC News)
      "Tom Snyder, who pioneered the late-late network TV talk show with a personal yet abrasive style, robust laugh and trademark cloud of cigarette smoke billowing around his head, has died from complications associated with leukemia. He was 71." 07-07

  1. -Editorial: Terrorists Require the Partnership of Mass Media (Christian Science Monitor - Felling)
      "Troubling questions abound: Does terrorism exist without the media? Does coverage of terrorist acts empower or encourage the people behind them? If terrorism is directed more at the audience than at its victims, shouldn't television journalists stop giving terrorists the forum they covet?"

      "Certainly, television news covers terrorist attacks for the high-minded journalistic objective of informing viewers. But the zeal with which fear has been commoditized - from shark attacks to child kidnappings to the Washington sniper - is a product of TV executives realizing that frightened people put down the remote control and await news updates, ratcheting up ratings points. Unfortunately, this living-room fearmongering plays right into the hands of terrorists who are attempting to rattle every American, turning television news reporters into de facto publicists for terrorists."

      "Nearly 20 years ago, the eminent Washington reporter David Broder suggested that 'the essential ingredient of any effective antiterrorist policy must be the denial to the terrorist of access to mass media outlets.' He said this in a different era, before 24-hour news channels were in hot competition for Americans' attention. He's still right."

      "Amateur cooks learn quickly that pouring water on a grease fire only makes it worse. Broadcasters must realize that their coverage might be doing the same. Like cutting off the oxygen that sustains a flame, a few internal shifts in reporting policy would traumatize viewers less and could save lives." 9-04

  2. 09-19-05 Emmy Awards (MSNBC News)
      Provides the results of the 2005 Emmy Awards. 9-05

  3. Astronomy Television Show (Star Gazer)
      Provides scripts from Jack Horkheimer's television show on astronomy. (Formerly called Star Hustler). 1-01

  4. Brave New World for Television (ABC News)
      "It's a brave new world of television viewing — so much so that many people are wondering if watching regularly scheduled programs will soon become a thing of the past." 06-06

  5. Cancelled Shows With Good Reviews (MSN TV)
      Describes 11 TV shows with good reviews that were cancelled through the years. 02-06

  6. Editorial - What to Look for in a Presidential Debate (Case Western Reserve University - Wain)
      Provides tips on what to look for in a presidential debate on television. 10-04

  7. Editorial: Public Has Lost Confidence in Television News (The Wall Street Journal)
      "Large media institutions, such as CBS or the New York Times, have been regarded as nothing if not authoritative. In the Information Age, authority is a priceless franchise. But it is this franchise that Big Media, incredibly, has just thrown away. It did so by choosing to go into overt opposition to one party's candidate, a sitting president. It stooped to conquer." 11-04

  8. Time's 100 Best TV Shows of All Time (
      Provides Time's list of best TV shows. 09-07

  9. Young Persons Getting News from Late-Night TV (MSNBC News)
      "Depending on the turnout at the polls this November, it may be one of the more important stories of the 2004 campaign: Increasing numbers of young prospective voters turning to late-night comedy television shows to get their election news." 9-04


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