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Safe Schools


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  1. Community Development
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  4. Gun Control
  5. Helping Children Cope
  6. Law-Related Education
  7. Risk and Protective Factors
  8. Young Leaders
  1. Alex Jones (Law and Crime Network)
      Provides court proceedings of Alex Jones, man convicted of defaming parents from Sandy Hook Elementary.

  2. Bullying (Awesome Library)
      Provides suggestions on combating bullying. 1-02

  3. Bullying Links (Telecom New Zealand)
      Provides a list of resources to prevent or mediate conflict and rejection resulting from bullying.

  4. Violence Prevention (Community Learning Network)
      Provides links to resources with symptoms, causes, and suggestions for dealing with violent behavior in youths.

  5. Violence in Schools Prevention Resources (Koch Crime Commission)
      Provides over two dozen sources of information.

  1. -04-19-07 How Smart Mobs Coped With a Massacre (MSNBC News)
      "College’s response to tragedy illustrated how wired world now works."

      "The way students and teachers passed along information during the Virginia Tech massacre — via cellphone videos and campus-watching Webcams, via text messages and Web bulletin boards — demonstrates how the wired world has changed in the 21st century, one of the prophets of the new age says." 04-07

  1. -01-25-06 Eye Scan Machine Tested at School (ABC News)
      "Parents who want to pick up their kids at school in one New Jersey district now can submit to iris scans, as the technology that helps keep our nation's airports and hotels safe begins to make its way further into American lives." 11-05

  2. -12-16-12 Are Single-Parent Homes More Prone to Violence? (
      "Philip Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, College Park, is not convinced that getting people married is the answer [to violence]. On his blog, he provides a helpful chart in which he compares the number of violent crimes (which has been going down since 1990) with the number of single moms (which has been going up in the same period)."

      "Experts vary on how proactive parents should be: some recommend against bringing up the subject unless curious or frightened children ask, although most advise parents to initiate a conversation. Either way, the key is to reassure kids and answer their questions without providing information overload. Be honest, keeping in mind your child’s age, adjusting your explanations to your children’s ability to understand. And continue with your family’s regular routine, advises Maidenberg."

      "It’s also a good idea to empower kids who feel helpless by brainstorming ways to be useful. Have your kids write letters to the students at Sandy Hook (912 Dickinson Dr., Sandy Hook, CT 06482), suggests Dodge. Make signs of support. It will help up shore up morale in Newtown, Conn., and make your kids feel useful, which in turn relieves some of the stress and fear they are feeling." 12-12

  3. -Myths About School Shootings (MSNBC News)
      "Here are 10 myths about school shootings, compiled by from a 2002 study by the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Education. The researchers studied case files and other primary sources for 37 attacks by current or former students, and also interviewed 10 of the perpetrators."

  4. Anger Management (Safe and Responsive Schools - Skiba and McKelvey)
      Provides suggestions for anger management. 10-02

  5. Articles on Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools (U.S. Department of Education)
      Provides a resource guide with strategies to prevent or reduce violence in schools, as well as reduce substance abuse. 3-05

  6. Articles on School Safety (Learning Network)
      Provides over a dozen articles to help parents with school safety issues. 5-01

  7. Assessing Threat - School Violence (CNN - Slobogin)
      Provides a summary of the results of a study by the U.S. Secret Service to determine how to assess the level of threat of violence in schools. 3-01

  8. Bullies - Coping With Bullies (Learning Network)
      Provides 31 strategies suggested by parents to cope with bullies. Not all strategies may be wise. 5-01

  9. Bullies - How to Deal With Bullies (Stay Alert Stay Safe)
      Provides suggestions for children to handle bullies without using violence. 5-00

  10. Bullying - Avoiding Bullying Behavior (Telecom New Zealand)
      Provides suggestions on identifying and stopping bullying behvior. Suggests what to do if your own child is identified as a bully.

  11. Bullying - What To Do About a Bully (Hermansen Advertising)
      Suggests what to do about a bully, especially at school.

  12. Bullying - What To Do About a Bully (Telecom New Zealand)
      Suggests what to do about a bully.

  13. Communicating About School Safety (Washington State School Directors' Association)
      Provides guidelines, suggestions, and examples for school administrators to use in communicating policies and procedures related to school violence and safety. 5-01

  14. Experts: Schools Need to Rethink Security (MSNBC News)
      "Schools should focus more on listening to kids to deter school attacks, experts say, instead of relying only on physical security." 10-06

  15. Gangs and Violence (Teacherpathfinder)
  16. Guidelines for Making Schools Safer (Education World)
      Provides suggestions and resources for making schools safer. 6-00

  17. Gun Control Debate (Awesome Library)
      Provides a summary of key positions on the debate regarding gun control. Also provides comments from the Editor. 5-00.

  18. Peer Mediation (Teacherpathfinder)
  19. Prevention of Youth Violence (CDC)
  20. Role Models and Violence (Case Western Reserve - Bailey)
      Provides results on a research study on the causes of violence in children. 10-99

  21. Safe Schools (Family Education Network)
      Provides discussions about what is needed to make schools safer.

  22. School Safety (NCREL - Hurwitz, Menacker, and Weldon)
      Provides views and recommendations on prevention of school violence.

  23. School, Home, and Family Safety (
      "We all have questions about what to do if we are the unfortunate Victim of a crime, how to keep our Family, Home and Schools Safe." 5-05

  24. Staying Safe During an Attack at School (ABC News)
      "With the help of ABC News safety consultant Bob Stuber and dozens of student volunteers, 'Primetime' set out to see just how effective the lockdown method is."

      "The school staff and students were asked to behave just as they would if there were an armed intruder in the school. The students filed calmly to their designated classrooms where the teachers locked the doors, turned off the lights and waited for the all-clear signal."

      "To get an idea of how well the lockdown would work in a real-life situation, Stuber and his assistant Daniel Bauman acted as simulated gunmen the second time around — without telling the students beforehand."

      "Many of the students made it to their designated classrooms — where again, the teachers locked the doors and turned out the lights."

      "Stuber says that could be a big mistake during a real crisis."

      " 'In real life, normal life, the rule is you don't break things,' he said. 'But what they have to be taught is that in a situation like this, where it's life or death, there are no rules.' "

      "According to Stuber, the key to survival is always to be alert, creative and aware of your environment." 08-10

  25. Strategies for School Safety (Learning Network)
      Provides 41 suggestions from parents to improve school safety and reduce violence. 5-01

  26. Student Behavior and School Violence (Middle School)
      Provides a comprehensive guide for teachers. 8-01

  27. Violence - Warning Signs (American Psychological Association)
      Provides symptoms, causes, and suggestions for dealing with violent behavior in youths.

  28. Washington Sniper Attacks and Tips for Eyewitnesses of Violent Events (
      "Personal safety comes first. If you hear the sound of a gunshot, get down and/or seek cover. Look in the direction of the sound. Make a mental note of persons or vehicles in that area." Make note of the more permanent characteristics of the persons, such as height and weight and the more permanent characteristics of the vehicles, such as make and model. Do not talk to other witnesses or reporters before giving your description to the authorities. 8-02

  1. Preventing Youth Violence (Reason Public Policy Institute - Volokh and Snell)
      Summarizes the results of studies to reduce school violence. 5-00


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