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Higgs Boson

Also Try
  1. Large Hadron Collider
  1. Higgs Boson (USA Today)
      Describes the importance of the Higgs Boson. 07-22

  1. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Completed (
      "Scientists believe the LHC's results will help fill in gaps in the Standard Model, the far-reaching set of equations on the interaction of subatomic particles that is the closest that modern physics comes to a testable 'theory of everything.' For example, scientists believe the LHC will produce a particle, the Higgs Boson, that will end debate over how matter in the universe acquires mass. Or, it could even provide evidence for more ambitious theories of the universe, such as string theory, which unites quantum mechanics and general relativity, the previously known laws of the small and large that are currently incompatible in the Standard Model." 09-08

  2. -Scientists Search for Dark Matter With Hadron Collider (
      "The massive particle collider runs in a 17-mile circumference ring under the Switzerland-France border. In 2013, physicists used the high-energy particle smasher to find the elusive Higgs boson. The Higgs boson explained why particles have mass, an idea first proposed in the 1960s."

      "It was a monumental achievement for the field of physics. It was the final piece in the Standard Model of physics, the theory which describes the particles that make up the universe and the forces between them."

      "One mystery physicists hope to unlock in the next phase of experiments is dark matter. Scientists estimate that dark matter makes up 85 percent of the universe, Mike Lamont, operations group leader for CERN, told CNN. It’s invisible, and it would explain effects physicists can observe on radiation and visible matter in the universe." 3-15

  3. Did a Time-Traveling Bird Sabotage the Collider? (
      "While most scientists would write off the event as a freak accident, two esteemed physicists have formulated a theory that suggests an alternative explanation: perhaps a time-traveling bird was sent from the future to sabotage the experiment." 09-08

  4. Feynman Diagrams (Wolfram Research)
      "In order to visualize and describe quantum electrodynamical interactions, physicist Richard P. Feynman Eric Weisstein's World of Biography introduced an ingenious schematic form of drawing now called a Feynman diagram. In such a diagram, all particles are represented by lines, with straight lines representing fermions and wavy lines representing bosons (except for the Higgs boson, which is usually represented by a dashed line, and gluons, which are usually represented by loops)." 01-06

  5. Higgs Boson (
      "The Higgs boson is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model of particle physics. As of 2006, no experiment has directly detected the existence of the Higgs boson, but there are indirect indications of it. The Higgs boson was first predicted in 1963 by the British physicist Peter Higgs, working from the ideas of Philip Anderson, and independently by others."

      "The particle called Higgs boson is in fact the quantum of one of the components of a Higgs field. In empty space, the Higgs field acquires a non-zero value, which permeates every place in the universe at all times." 01-06

  6. Higgs Boson Gets Clearer (CNN News)
      "Finding the Higgs boson would help explain the origin of mass, one of the open questions in physicists' current understanding of the way the universe works."

      "Scientists working on two independent experiments at the Tevatron accelerator in Batavia, Illinois, see patterns in data that might - just might - be indicative of signals from a Higgs boson. If so, that particle would have a mass between 115 to 135 GeV." 03-12

  7. Higgs Boson May Destroy the Universe... Eventually (
      "The elusive ‘God particle’ discovered by scientists in 2012 has the potential to destroy the universe, famed British physicist Stephen Hawking has warned."

      "According to Mr. Hawking, 72, at very high energy levels the Higgs boson, which gives shape and size to everything that exists, could become unstable."

      "This, he said, could cause a 'catastrophic vacuum decay' that would lead space and time to collapse, reported." 09-14

  8. Higgs Boson Nearly Confirmed (USA Today)
      "Scientists believe the 'God particle' that might explain the underpinnings of the universe is real, and they are about to present their evidence to the world."

      "The focus of the excitement is the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that, if confirmed, could help explain why matter has mass, which combines with gravity to give an object weight." 07-12

  9. Higgs Boson: A Sense of Scale (
      "An electron has 0.000511 GeV of mass energy."

      "A top quark, the heaviest elementary particle known so far, has about 172 GeV of mass energy. That’s just a bit below the mass energy of an atom of gold."

      Editor's Note: A Higgs Boson may have around 125 GeV of mass energy; the exact amount is not yet known." 03-12

  10. Higgs Boson: What Would a Higgs at 125 GeV Tell Us? (
      "Certainly the central topic of the debate will be the stability of the vacuum and whether it implies new physics, and if so, at what scale?" 03-12

  11. Higgs Field (History of the Universe)
      "Higgs fields are still important in the Universe today. It is believed that it still fills space, and that quarks, electrons and other particles get their mass by interacting with it." 01-06

  12. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Completed (
      "Scientists believe the LHC's results will help fill in gaps in the Standard Model, the far-reaching set of equations on the interaction of subatomic particles that is the closest that modern physics comes to a testable 'theory of everything.' For example, scientists believe the LHC will produce a particle, the Higgs Boson, that will end debate over how matter in the universe acquires mass. Or, it could even provide evidence for more ambitious theories of the universe, such as string theory, which unites quantum mechanics and general relativity, the previously known laws of the small and large that are currently incompatible in the Standard Model." 09-08

  13. Scientists Look for the "God Particle" (CBS News)
      " The Large Hadron Collider sits 300 feet below the surface of the Earth on the rural France-Switzerland border, spinning and smashing particles at near-light speed, costing many billions of dollars, and consuming countless hours of some of the best scientific minds in the world, mostly to answer one important question: What, exactly, is matter?" 05-11

  14. The Search for the "God Particle" Narrows (
      "The existence of mass — the property of matter that gives gravity something to pull on — needs explaining."

      "Now, say two independent teams of scientists who revealed their results at a symposium in Switzerland Tuesday morning, there are experimental signs of an elusive particle formally known as the Higgs boson — and informally known as the 'God particle.' If the Higgs is really there, the existence of mass has finally been explained, and a Scottish physicist named Peter Higgs is a lock for the Nobel prize."

      "Suffice it to say that there's a sort of energy field that pervades the universe, and that when particles like protons, neutrons, quarks and the rest interact with the Higgs field, they're rewarded with mass. The Higgs boson helps broker the transaction." 12-11


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