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Putin, Vladimir

  1. Putin, Vladimir (BBC News - Mulvey)
      Provides a brief background on how the Prime Minister of Russia came into a position of power. (Also misspelled by visitors as Vlademir, Valademir, Valadamir, Vlademire, Vladamire, or Vladamir.)

  2. Putin, Vladimir (Guardian Unlimited - Tran)
      Provides a brief background on how the Prime Minister of Russia came into a position of power. (Also misspelled by visitors as Vlademir, Valademir, Valadamir, Vlademire, Vladamire, or Vladamir.)

  3. Putin, Vladimir: The Tzar (
      "No one is born with a stare like Vladimir Putin's. The Russian President's pale blue eyes are so cool, so devoid of emotion that the stare must have begun as an affect, the gesture of someone who understood that power might be achieved by the suppression of ordinary needs, like blinking. The affect is now seamless, which makes talking to the Russian President not just exhausting but often chilling. It's a gaze that says, I'm in charge." 12-07

  4. Putin, Vladimir: The View from Russia (
      "In Putin's case, I told the radio interviewer, it was crucial to the Person of the Year decision that he had revived Russia, returning it once again to its integral role in international politics and the global economy. But Putin had accomplished this by suppressing the freedoms, however frail and imperfect, that Russians enjoyed in the 1980s and '90s. The majority of the Russian people supported Putin in his policy of swapping freedoms and democracy for stability and order — or, in the eyes of critics like myself, for the illusion of stability and order. Ordinary Russians believe Putin's impact is for the better. I told Echo Moskvi that I thought his impact was for worse. Only time (and TIME) will tell. They thanked me and cut off. After hearing my views on the air, other friends called to express appreciation." 12-07


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