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  1. -Ants (
      "Ants are social insects that belong to the same order as the wasps and bees. They are of particular interest because of their highly organized colonies or nests which sometimes consist of millions of individuals."

      "Up to a third (33%) of the terrestrial animal biomass has been estimated to be made up of ants and termites.[2]"

      "Termites, sometimes called white ants, though similar in social structure are not even closely related to ants." 01-07

  2. Ants (ReYOUniverse)
      " Imagine a civilization that outnumbers humanity by six orders of magnitude. By one and a half million times." 05-23

  3. Ants - Siafu (
      "Biting red ants, or 'Siafu' in Kiswahili live in colonies, but unlike most ants, do not have a permanent home. The ants range from 1 to 15 mm long, hunt at night, and hide in a hole in the ground or in a tree during the day, They shift locations as the insect, and sometimes frog-like, prey is exhausted. The Riverine Forests of Serengeti, being dark and moist, have Siafu hunting all night long and all day as well. They form either highways as they travel from their lair to the hunting field or fans when they are actively hunting. Siafu hunt by sensing the carbon dioxide that insects and animals breath out." They may attack humans, even if you leave them alone. 6-04

  4. Fire Ants: A Natural Enemy of the Fire Ant Found (
      "In 1986, scientists found a natural enemy of the fire ant, a pathogen called Vairimorpha invictae. Now USDA scientists have figured out how to inject the pathogen into otherwise uninfected populations of fire ants." 01-07

  5. First Nonhuman Two-Way Instruction Found (MSNBC News)
      "Ants teach other ants how to find food using a poking and prodding technique called 'tandem running,' a new study reveals."

      "Researchers say the experiment reveals the first nonhuman example of formal instruction between a teacher and pupil in which there is two-way feedback and an adjustment of the course curriculum." 01-06

  6. Rasberry Ants (New York Times)
      "Look out, Texas Gulf Coast, here comes Paratrechina pubens, or something like that."

      "The ant is a previously unknown variety with a staggering propensity to reproduce and no known enemies. The species, which bites but does not sting, was first identified here in 2002 by a Pearland exterminator, Tom Rasberry, who quickly lent his name to the find: the crazy rasberry ant." 05-08

  7. Rasberry Ants (New York Times)
      "Look out, Texas Gulf Coast, here comes Paratrechina pubens, or something like that."

      "The ant is a previously unknown variety with a staggering propensity to reproduce and no known enemies. The species, which bites but does not sting, was first identified here in 2002 by a Pearland exterminator, Tom Rasberry, who quickly lent his name to the find: the crazy rasberry ant." 05-08

  8. Tending a Sick Comrade Helps Ants (New York Times)
      "When one ant in a colony has an infection, the others don’t avoid their sick comrade. Instead, they approach the infected ant and lick it to remove pathogens."

      "Now, a new study reports that this works in the benefit of the licking ant as well. By grooming a diseased ant, the helper ant gets a low-level infection that seems to induce the expression of a set of immune genes that help the ants fight off the pathogen." 04-12


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