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  1. -08-15-07 Study: Dan Rather Reports on Paperless Voting Machines (
      Provides Dan Rather's report on faulty paperless voting machines. He provides the surprising revelation that Sequoia, a company that provided paper ballots for the Florida 2000 election, especially Palm Beach, provided faulty paper and specifications that were known to cause problems with chads.

  1. -01-03-07 Report: Election Systems Still Unacceptable (
      "To ensure the health of our democracy, we must recognize and admit the inadequacies of the present systems and adopt pro-active corrective measures. The problems catalogued in this report cannot be rectified by a single corrective measure. Attention is required for all the diverse problems that have been exposed: confusion caused by the complexity of the computerized equipment; long lines at the polls; voter disenfranchisement; dependency on vendor involvement; and questionable outcomes." 01-07

  2. -01-03-07 Report: Election Systems Still Unacceptable (
      "To ensure the health of our democracy, we must recognize and admit the inadequacies of the present systems and adopt pro-active corrective measures. The problems catalogued in this report cannot be rectified by a single corrective measure. Attention is required for all the diverse problems that have been exposed: confusion caused by the complexity of the computerized equipment; long lines at the polls; voter disenfranchisement; dependency on vendor involvement; and questionable outcomes." 01-07

  3. -01-03-07 Voting Machines Testers Decertified (New York Times)
      "A laboratory that has tested most of the nation’s electronic voting systems has been temporarily barred from approving new machines after federal officials found that it was not following its quality-control procedures and could not document that it was conducting all the required tests." 01-07


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