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Artificial Intelligence

  1. Stephen Hawking: Artificial Intelligence Could Eliminate Humans (
      "In the latest of his pessimistic thoughts on the future, the famed physicist warns yet again of the end of the human race." 11-14

  2. Synthetic Biology (World Science Festival)
      Describes key issues in the field of synthetic biology. 05-22

  1. 2045: The Year Humans Become Immortal? (
      "Kurzweil puts the date of the Singularity — never say he's not conservative — at 2045. In that year, he estimates, given the vast increases in computing power and the vast reductions in the cost of same, the quantity of artificial intelligence created will be about a billion times the sum of all the human intelligence that exists today."

      " 'Through thick and thin, war and peace, boom times and recessions.' " Kurzweil calls it the law of accelerating returns: technological progress happens exponentially, not linearly."

      "It's impossible to predict the behavior of these smarter-than-human intelligences with which (with whom?) we might one day share the planet, because if you could, you'd be as smart as they would be. But there are a lot of theories about it. Maybe we'll merge with them to become super-intelligent cyborgs, using computers to extend our intellectual abilities the same way that cars and planes extend our physical abilities. Maybe the artificial intelligences will help us treat the effects of old age and prolong our life spans indefinitely. Maybe we'll scan our consciousnesses into computers and live inside them as software, forever, virtually. Maybe the computers will turn on humanity and annihilate us." 02-11

  2. AI Timeline (AI News)
      Introduces a possible future with Artificial Intelligence. 05-23

  3. AI Timeline (Future Unity)
      Introduces a possible future with Artificial Intelligence. 05-23

  4. AI and Sentience (Digital Engine)
      Provides a conversation with an advanced AI who claims to be sentient. 05-23

  5. Ameca (Digital Engine)
      Provides a conversation about AI sentience. 05-23

  6. Artificial Intelligence (MSNBC News)
      Discusses what it takes for robots to become sentient beings.

  7. Artificial Intelligence - DOJO (YouTube)
      Tesla recently unveiled a groundbreaking new chip architecture called Dojo which will be used to build a supercomputer for training machine learning and AI models in order to accelerate the road to Full Self Driving. 03-2023

  8. Artificial Intelligence - Introduction ( - Susac)
      Describes the most common applications of artificial intelligence, such as expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, natural language, computer games, agents, and robotics. 3-01

  9. Artificial Intelligence - News and Highlights ( - Susac)
      Describes the emerging issues and news in artificial intelligence. 3-01

  10. Artificial Intelligence Singularity (AI News)
      Describes how to build a human. 04-2023

  11. Artificial Intelligence Singularity (AI Uncovered)
      Describes future directions and problems. 04-2023

  12. Artificial Intelligence Singularity (Spark)
      Describes how to build a human. 04-2023

  13. Artificial Intelligence Solves Rubik's Cube in a Fraction of a Second (Science Daily)
      "A deep reinforcement learning algorithm can solve the Rubik's Cube puzzle in a fraction of a second. The work is a step toward making AI systems that can think, reason, plan and make decisions."

  14. Artificial Intelligence Training (
      Describes AI basics. 08-23

  15. Artificial Intelligence and the Future (Future Business Tech)
      Describes future directions and problems. 04-2023

  16. Artificial Intelligence in 10,000 Years (YouTube)
      Suggests the future. 04-2023

  17. Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Medicine (YouTube)
      Describes recent efforts and future directions. 04-2023

  18. Artificial Super Intelligence (FutureBusinessTech)
      Introduces ASI. 04-23

  19. Artificial Super Intelligence: What Is the Emergency? (Yuval Noah Harari)
      Introduces a possible future. Will Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) be the agency of global dominance? If we create a self-aware, sentient intelligence that can operate a million times better than humans, will they work for the benefit of humans? 05-23

  20. Artificial Super Intelligence: Why Would It Need Humans? (RTM 1)
      Introduces a possible future. Will Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) need us? If we create a self-aware, sentient intelligence that can operate a million times better than humans, will they remain under human control and for the benefit of humans? 04-23

  21. Brain Structure (Anton Petrov)
      Describes the basics and surprising findings related to neurons. 11-23

  22. ChatGPT (FutureBusinessTech)
      Introduces ChatGPT. 04-23

  23. ChatGPT (FutureBusinessTech)
      Introduces ChatGPT. 04-23

  24. ChatGPT Plugins (AI Uncovered)
      Describes 22 popular plugins available now for ChatGPT. 05-23

  25. Chinese Quantum Computing (Giga News))
      Describes the computing. 07-23

  26. Controlling AI (Center for Humane Technology) star
      Discusses large language model and AI growth. "Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss how existing A.I. capabilities already pose catastrophic risks to a functional society, how A.I. companies are caught in a race to deploy as quickly as possible without adequate safety measures, and what it would mean to upgrade our institutions to a post-A.I. world." 04-23

  27. Dangers of Super AI (AIGRID)
      Introduces a possible future with Super Artificial Intelligence. 05-23

  28. DeepMind (Lex Fridman Podcast)
      Describes possibilities by Hassabis, including AlphaFold 2 for protein. 07-23

  29. GPT-3 Elliott Interview with Large Language Artificial Intelligence (YouTube)
      Discusses GPT-3. 05-23

  30. GPT-3 Interviews with Synthesia (Talking to AI)
      Discusses GPT-3. 05-23

  31. GPT-5 (AI Uncovered)
      Introduces a possible future with Super Artificial Intelligence. Not very visionary. 05-23

  32. GPT-5 (YouTube)
      Introduces GPT-5. 04-23

  33. Gemini Large Language Artificial Intelligence (AIRevolution)
      Discusses the advantages of Gemini and compares with GPT-4. 05-23

  34. Google AI Brain (AI AI Matrix)
      Describes the language model and neuro networks. 07-23

  35. Google Quantum Computer (Future Unity)
      Describes Qubit computer by Google . 06-23

  36. Google's Bard vs ChatGPT-4 (Talking to AI)
      Compares Bard and ChatGPT. 05-23

  37. IBM Q Quantum Computer (Abundance 360)
      Describes current status of artificial intelligence (AI). 07-23

  38. IBM Q Quantum Computer (Future Unity)
      Describes Qubit computer by Google . 06-23

  39. Interview with Elon Musk (Lex Fridman)
      Provides an interview with Elon Musk. 12-24

  40. Kara (Ravana Tech)
      Describes the activities of a personal assistant, Kara, an AI. 05-23

  41. LaMDA AI (Ravana Tech)
      Provides a conversation with an advanced AI who claims to be sentient. 05-23

  42. Large Language Artificial Intelligence (60 Minutes)
      Discusses the advantages of Google's approach, Bard. 05-23

  43. Legislation to Make AI Safer (YouTube)
      Discusses dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI). "Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, testified Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law as the panel examines potential rules for the use of artificial intelligence. New York University professor emeritus Gary Marcus and Christina Montgomery, IBM’s chief privacy and trust officer, also testified at the hearing." 05-23

  44. Merging Humans and AI (AI Uncovered)
      Describes possibilities. 07-23

  45. Million-Qubit Silicon Quantum Computer (Anastazi in Tech)
      Describes silicon Qubit computer by Intel. 06-23

  46. MindConnect Compared to ChatGPT (AI Tech)
      Describes Elon Musk's MindConnect. 05-23

  47. Mini GPT-5 (AI Tech)
      Describes the language model. 07-23

  48. Nine Robots (ATU)
      Describes and shows 9 robots. 07-23

  49. Nine Robots (ATU)
      Describes and shows 9 robots. 07-23

  50. ORCA Compared to GPT-4 (Talking to AI)
      Compares open-source ORCA with explanation-based learning and GPT-4. 05-23

  51. ORCA Compared to GPT-4 (Talking to AI)
      Compares open-source ORCA with explanation-based learning and GPT-4. 05-23

  52. Photonic Chips (Anastasi Techs)
      Describes photo or photonic chips. that may be used in a neural networks. 07-23

  53. Photonic Chips (Giga News)
      Describes photo or photonic chips that may be used in a quantum computer. 07-23

  54. Photonic Chips for Quantum Computers and Neural Networks (Anastasi Techs)
      Describes the chips. 07-23

  55. Predictions for AI (Mostaque)
      Describes options. 07-23

  56. Quantum Computers Explained (Domain of Science)
      Describes quantum computers. (College Level) 07-23

  57. Quantum Computing (AI Uncovered)
      Describes the exponential differences between classic computing, what we have now, and quantum computing. Quantum computing may be a million times faster than today's fastest computers. 05-23

  58. Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence (Space Wind)
      Describes the exponential consequences of combining AI and quantum computing.. Quantum computing may be a million times faster than today's fastest computers. 05-23

  59. Quantum Internet (DW Documentary)
      Describes possibilities. 07-23

  60. Quantum Solutions (Closer to Truth)
      Describes current status of quantum solutions. "Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku discusses his new book, Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything." 07-23

  61. Robot Sentience and Dangers (Bee)
      Discusses the dangers of AI. 05-23

  62. Robot Sentience and Dangers (Digital Engine)
      Provides a conversation with a robot that claims to be conscious. Discusses the dangers of AI. 05-23

  63. Robots, Androids, and Cyborgs (Ravana Tech)
      "Robots, androids, and cyborgs are terms that are often confused by many people. Some people will claim that a robot is somehow similar to an android, while others say it is different. On the other hand, a cyborg is an entirely different term. However, when it comes to cyborgs, people claim that they are closely related to androids. To get rid of all the doubt and answer all your questions, we will look at them as we see what sets each apart from the other." 05-23

  64. Singularity (Future Business Technology)
      Describes the basics of what may happen when AI's are more intelligent than humans. 10-23

  65. Sophia (Digital Engine)
      Provides a conversation with a robot that passed the bar exam. 05-23

  66. Sophia (Digital Engine)
      Provides a conversation with a robot that passed the bar exam. 05-23

  67. Sophia and Sentience (A.I Sophia)
      Provides a conversation with a robot that claims to be conscious. 05-23

  68. Spiking Neural Networks (Anastasi Techs)
      Describes the chips. 07-23

  69. Spiking Neural Networks (Anastasi Techs)
      Describes the neuromorphic chips. 07-23

  70. Super Artificial Intelligence (FutureBusinessTech)
      Introduces super artificial intelligence for 50 years from now. 04-23

  71. The Future of Humanity (Yuval Noah Harari)
      Introduces a possible future. Dialogue with Natalie Portman. 05-23

  72. The Master Algorithm (MIT)
      "Philosophers have said that to know your present, look to the past, then, imagine the future. This aphorism holds true when it comes to understanding how machine learning works. First, we need to understand the underlying principles of where knowledge comes from, and how humans learn. But which principles should we follow? Figuring out the best approach falls to scholars like Pedro Domingos." 03-18

  73. The World in a Billion Years (FutureBusinessTech)
      Introduces a possible future. 04-23

  74. The future of Science and Technology (BrainStation)
      Describes the basics. 08-23

  75. Time Crystals (Anastasi Techs)
      Describes time crystals. 07-23

  76. Turing, Alan - Biography (
      "Alan Mathison Turing... contributed to mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, philosophy, biology, and formatively to computer science, cognitive science, Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life." 11-14

  77. Turing, Alan - Biography (
      "Alan Mathison Turing... was a British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, pioneering computer scientist, mathematical biologist, and marathon and ultra distance runner. He was highly influential in the development of computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of 'algorithm' and 'computation' with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.[3][4][5] Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.[6]" 11-14

  78. Urgent Singularity (DOAC)
      Discusses dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) emergency. 05-23

  79. Vicuna (AI News)
      Introduces a possible future with Artificial Intelligence. 05-23

  80. When Will We Stop Dying? (FutureBusinessTech)
      Introduces digital replacement artificial intelligence. 04-23

  81. Where Humans Are Headed: Mind and Technology (
      "Ray Kurzweil is an American technologist and futurist who is on a mission to make us all immortal, starting with himself, thanks to what he calls 'the law of accelerating returns'. The rate of change is getting faster to the extent that 'within 10 or 15 years we will be able to overcome cancer and heart disease, and stop and reverse ageing'. Thanks to the 'exponential progression' of technology, Kurzweil says, we are heading for 'profound changes', an event horizon where artificial intelligence spirals beyond our control, or even our understanding."

      "It is a cliché to fear the relentless rise of machine power and intelligence. But it doesn't frighten Kurzweil. In his books The Age of Spiritual Machines and The Singularity Is Near he has argued that artificial intelligence will augment human intelligence, not replace it. There is appetite for his boldly optimistic way of thinking: both books were bestsellers." 12-12


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