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Oil Fracking

  1. -Waste Water from Fracking Causes Earthquakes (
      "It's been known for a long time that humans could induce earthquakes by pumping fluids underground. Back in 1962, the U.S Army injected toxic waste fluids into a deep well at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal northwest of Denver, but then stopped after the area was rattled over five years by more than 1,500 quakes, including one that shook chandeliers at the state Capitol and forced legislators to take cover."

      "Seismologists' big concern is not the fracking process itself, but what what operators do with the enormous quantities of waste water that flows back out of the well afterward. "

      "One company has developed a system that uses gelled propane instead of water. Because the fluid merges into the oil and gas being extracted, it could eliminate the need to drain away waste water. Friction-reducing additives also eventually could allow operators to keep reusing the same water in wells, instead of having to dispose of it." 03-15


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