Diversity Training Associates
Also Try
Multicultural Guide or Toolkit
Multicultural Training
Cultural Competence
Intercultural Communication

Cultural competence is a complex set of attitudes, skills, and levels of awareness that allow an individual or an organization to interact with clients and employees in ways that are appropriate, respectful, and relevant to those being served. It includes designing and marketing products or services in ways that are culturally appropriate.
  • Attitudes include the ability to experience and observe cultural differences without judging them solely on one's own values.

  • Skills include the ability to change one's own behavior to be more in tune with the culture of the client.

  • Awareness of other cultures rests on the development of cultural self-awareness.
"Cultural sensitivity is unnatural in any culture...its development requires a planned learning process."

Diversity Training Associates specializes in cultural diversity and organizational change processes uniquely designed for your organization. We provide individual and group assessments. In addition, we design and deliver training and other multicultural services to meet your needs.

Contact Us to request a preliminary assessment of your organization's needs.

Diversity Training Associates
Candia Elliott, Director
Phone: 503 320-1969   Fax: 503 905-6100