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Environment Checklist for _____________
Start Date ________   Completion Date ________

1. Number of trees planted...
____ Trees planted is the goal, providing 40 percent coverage of the area.
____ Trees actually planted, providing ____ percent coverage of the area.

2. Number of persons with solar cookers...
____ Persons provided with solar cookers, is the goal.
____ Persons actually provided with solar cookers.

3. Number of buildings with downspouts diverted from the sewer...
____ Buildings with downspouts fitted with diverters and/or rain barrels,
          is the goal.
____ Buildings with downspouts actually fitted with diverters and/or rain barrels.

4. Number of low-flow toilets installed or retrofited...
____ Low-flow toilets installed or retrofitted, is the goal.
____ Low-flow toilets actually installed or retrofitted.

5. Number of LED lights installed...
____ LED lights installed, is the goal.
____ LED lights actually installed.

6. Number of letters to support pollution controls for diesel fuel...
____ Letters sent to support pollution controls for diesel fuel, is the goal.
____ Letters actually sent to support pollution controls for diesel fuel.

7. Number of information sheets to support wind turbines...
____ Information sheets on wind turbines sent to legislators, is the goal.
____ Information sheets on wind turbines actually sent to legislators.

8. Number of information sheets to support ocean wave turbines...
____ Information sheets on ocean wave turbines sent to legislators, is the goal.
____ Information sheets on ocean wave turbines actually sent to legislators.

9. Number of letters to support systems that support motor vehicles that use cleaner fuels...
____ Letters sent to legislators to support use of cleaner fuels for motor vehicles, is one goal.
____ Letters actually sent to legislators to support use of cleaner fuels for motor vehicles.
____ Number of cars using cleaner fuels within your city, is the goal.
____ Number of cars actually using cleaner fuels within your city.

10. Number of information sheets to support recycling toxic materials...
____ Information sheets on recycling toxic materials sent to legislators, is the goal.
____ Information sheets on recycling toxic materials actually sent to legislators.

It is often easiest to get started with helping by getting involved with an environmental organization or project.

Continued on Page 2

For more information, contact Dr. R. Jerry Adams at or